Strawberry Jam Concert & Fireworks
05-13-2022 @ 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
| FreeMiddle Tennessee 81st Annual Strawberry Festival
Kicking off the festival on Friday, May 13th will be the Strawberry Jam Concert & Fireworks!
Live music & food vendors will start at 5 pm.
5 pm Bitty James Ladd
Classic Car Cruise In
6 pm Adam & Amy Pope
7 pm Resurrection – A Journey Tribute Band
8:30 pm Fireworks
Friday night events are off E. MARKET STREET in downtown Portland!
The main festival day will be Saturday, May 14th! 175+ vendors, multiple music stages, kids area & magic stage and parade at 4pm to end the day! The actual festival is free to attend, as well as most of the activities happening during the festival. Some events do have a minimal admission cost (such as the Rotary Pancake Breakfast and Kidtown USA) We have local farmers who plan to set up at the festival each year.
The weather during the Spring plays a big role in the amount of strawberries that will be available the weekend of the festival to pick & sell. We have 40,000+ people that attend the Middle Tennessee Strawberry Festival each year, so once the farmers set up the strawberries sell very quickly.
Check out their Facebook Page in addition to their website for details.
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