Project Description

Fiddlers Grove Historic Village
Step back in time as you stroll through the Grove and experience life in a typical early village where people lived. There are over fifty-five buildings that represent the entire Wilson County area and each building has a unique story.
Historic Village
Step into a one-room log cabin, a one-room school and a small quaint church. Visit a blacksmith’s shop where cooking utensils and farm equipment were made. Visit a doctors office and see the buggy he used to make house call to those in need far and wide. Step into Sam Houston’s law office and visualize Houston sitting at his desk in front of the fireplace. View an old cobbler’s shop and see a 1700’s log cabin and grist mill. There is also a funeral home, sheriff’s office, jail, drug store, post office, hardware store, barber shop, service station, radio station, sawmill, farm equipment museum, printing office, model train museum, caboose, and train station. There’s an early hospital, telephone museum, electric museum, and Century Farm Museum. Stop by the General Store for a cold drink and relax in a rocking chair on the front porch before you visit the feed and seed store. Along the way enjoy the many small gardens with native plants and pretty flowers cared for by the Master Gardeners as well as other gardeners.
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